Wednesday 26 January 2011

New blog site

New blog site:

Thanks for visiting.

Sunday 8 August 2010

New Blog Site

Due to the difficulty of accessing Blogger site within Mainland China, my blogging activity has moved to another site:

Thank you for dropping by.

Sunday 13 December 2009

what do you do when the trust is broken?

You made a promise, you constantly delivered on time...until some day for some reason you failed to keep up the promise. You failed and disappointed your people...


What next?

What do you do when the trust is broken?

You can simply go away; or you can tell the truth in your apology and seek forgiveness; or you can tell a convincing story to cover your mistake; or you can just roll up your sleeve and start it all over...

But building trust takes time. You know that.

You know you just lost something really precious.
You know this time round it'll take much longer and it'll be harder.
You know you have much to lose and sacrifice in the process.
Worse, you know you might never gain their trust again, ever.

It might be easier to just start something new somewhere else...though in your heart you know what's the right thing to do.

Do the right thing. Ignore the noise, just go work.

Yes it's painful, it's so damn hard, it's like bracing for the bullets...'s also a chance to prove you really care.

Sunday 1 November 2009

thoughts on humor...and more...

One thing i learnt, after slightly more than a year in a public speaking club, is anyone can be humorous. If you see people labeled "serious" or "boring" crack out witty remarks and funny jokes often enough, you'll come to this same conclusion.

Opposite to what most believe, humor is not a character trait, it's not a skill, it's a state, when you're totally relaxed and comfortable and trusting the people around you. Traditionally, we are so busy categorizing people, and trying so hard to fit ourselves into those categories (It's fun sometimes i must admit, but be careful, such efforts shape our reality). We then try to live up to those category descriptions, and expect others to do so.

Homo sapiens use intelligence to create beautiful, coherent, closed intellectual structures then let them shut out real-life possibilities.

Time and again when we find an engineer or lab scientist interesting, we treat her as an exception. It happens so often, and we are amused so often, yet seldom do we question the presumption itself. Why are there so many 'exceptions'? Maybe those theories of categorization and stereotypes aren't right in the first place? Maybe the reason those theories seem right is simply because we choose to aligning our action to them?

Everything exists for a reason, but not necessarily a right one.

Humor is a state, the so-called 'boring' people may just have less chance to experience it. Or they may have been told all their lives it's not something that fits their identity, that they should even try to experience...

Like many other things in life, we should stop intellectually cornering the possibilities, and start exploring.

Sunday 25 October 2009

"Do what you love, and the money will follow"


I deeply believe in this statement, with one condition though.

When you do dive in to do what you love, forget this statement.

Sunday 18 October 2009

I'm back - Lessons - Announcement

It's been 18 days since I last posted an entry. The original plan was to post one every day.

There are so many things going on in life, but there's no excuse. I learned a lot from different people and different experiences in the past 18 days. And here's a quick sharing some ideas that may be of value to you...

1. Don't Add, unless You Subtract.
Chrisandre's note: from John Naisbitt's book Mindset. e.g. don't add any new activity (e.g. learning to dance Tango) to your daily life unless you're very sure which existing activity (e.g. daily workout at the gym) you're ready to give up. Understood as opportunity cost in Economics. It helps you focus.

2. Consistency. Consistency!
I would argue it's more important than focus or specialization (yeah i'm aware these are different concepts). Some people advocate being a specialist, others a generalist, i believe you've met them both. Personally i believe in a mix that people in IDEO call T-person.

Whether you want to focus on perfecting your trade as the world's top specialist, or synergize your diverse exposures to success as a generalist, this dichotomy choice doesn't really matter. Don't let it bother you.

What really matters is your Consistent action. Be it focused, be it loose; be it a daily effort, or a monthly one, or hourly or yearly, just make sure it happens every time it's due. If the workload is too daunting, move the deadline forward, slice and spread the tasks, just don't stop, don't give up.

Work with Consistency, eventually you'll get there.

The minimum posting frequency of this blog now changes to weekly, entries will be posted during the weekend.

Wednesday 30 September 2009

when September ends...

Have you ever considered this before going to bed?

That you have just survived another day on this lonely planet(since we haven't found another with such rich diversity of lives yet) without suffering from deadly diseases, starvation, violence, torture...

If not, you may want to think a bit about it today? Before September ends?

It can be just another normal day, or you can make it special. It's your choice.

Answer it with Action.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

why normal people can become ruthless evil?

Below are the notes taken from a TED talk (sorry i forgot the speaker's name)...

7 social Processes that Grease the Slippery Slope of Evil

Mindlessly Taking the First Small Step
Dehumanization of Others
De-individuation of Self (anonymity)
Diffusion of Personal Responsibility
Blind Obedience to Authority
Uncritical Conformity to Group Norms
Passive Tolerance of Evil Through Inaction, or Indifference

Monday 28 September 2009

communication at individual level seems to make more sense...

Talked with an acquaintance whose hometown has been in the news headlines lately for social unrest and racial issues...i was once told by another person (from this same place) that those 2 ethnic groups never really get along and they have separate neighbourhoods...

Yet this guy has a neighbour who's from another ethnic group, and they formed good relationship.

On individual level, it seems like we can easily connect with each other.

Collectively, however, we are more likely to fall prey to irrational dehumanization and various prejudices...


Sunday 27 September 2009


It's the answer to the question: what's the common quality needed for living both i) a healthy life and ii) your calling?

These are not one off projects, thus it's a bit more difficult to set concrete goals for them. But they can be done.

The challenge is to consistently take care of these aspects in life. To put in the efforts, to pay the price. These are important, long term benefits, requiring you to consistently work on them without an exciting picture in mind and only occasional emotional stimulants.

So? the conclusion?


Saturday 26 September 2009


When asked: of all the things that he had learnt in public speaking clubs, what's the one that proved to be most useful in other areas of life...

This author & presenter answered without hesitation: the ability to Hit the Point Quickly.

Friday 25 September 2009

we as a species...

I got a weird feeling that, with the progress of technology, evolution of culture, and breakthroughs in various medical treatments, we have been putting more and more artificial stuff into our body...from plastic surgery to metal used in operations to artificial organs to some kind of micro chip...

These are not necessarily bad things...we should not fall trap to the popular "natural" label and blindly believe everything that's natural is the best choice...

...only that we may soon reach a point where we'll need to redefine what we are, or what we believe we are...

Boy, it's gonna change everything...