Friday, 31 July 2009

2 things we should stop saying and start doing

Ideas are always easier said than done. Among millions of ideas in this universe, two stand out because they are more and more widely acknowledged and communicated now.

1. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Go make more of them, it leads you to success.
2. You can learn somethig from everyone you meet. Anyone, everyone.

They also stand out because they are so enthusiastically believed in words, yet so casually ignored in action.

-- Go make mistakes, you get laughters (if not sth worse). More mistakes, more laughters (if not sth horrible).

Doesn't look like what you get when people know you are on the path to success. That's why the youth orchestra that literally celebrates every mistake makes a terrific story. Idea and action align.

-- We are all snobs/prejudiced in one way or another. Some utterly ugly (your position? your income?), some more implicit (your taste? your education?). Alain de Botton had a good take on this. Instead of striving to live up to idea 2 here, seems like we prefer making use of such snobbery for our own benefits. Dress up, gear up, speed up the race...

We need everybody.

Be the only one to live up to these ideas while others don't, you look either stupid or naive. Or rebellious or idealistic. It's a dangerous thing to do, esp. when it's hard making a living.

The good news is, you are already making a life. Many people have the guts to do it only after becoming millionaires. Be Proud.

Plus: The games is changing fast nowadays, your remarkable bravery may be rewarded at the least expected moment...

Thursday, 30 July 2009

Follow Your Heart?

Follow Your Heart.

A significant remark, some time somewhere, brought to life by battered souls, distilled by dogged quest and struggle, through confusion and sleepless nights, and a long long journey within. It carries much more weight and meaning than we usually realize.

So don't abuse it. Don't make it a cliche. Don't manipulate it for any worldly purpose. Don't pollute it. Please.

Think about the famous quote. I think, therefore I am. Then go read Descartes' biography, study his thoughts. When you're done, you will know what I mean.

Follow Your Heart.

just "Do What You Love?"

There's much noise out there, appealing to our dreams and fears and boredom and hopes. Yesterday is tumbling, we kind of feel it, and tomorrow is too vague and chaotic we don't even bother to give a damn guess. Today, the only thing we know, we are still stuck in the comfort zone with our dreams squeezed.

There's much noise out there, telling us who feel stuck to go ahead and do what we love. And they offer tips. See, these people made it, why not you? Go do it, here's the way, do what you love, and you can be one of them...all you need is courage and action...

Some of them are right, some not quite.

Do what you love, with all your passion and creativity and bravery and hard work, then you too will make it big. Simple, attractive logic. Too bad our lives, the universe, and the unknown space in between, is much more complex than this...

Fortunately it means there are a hell lot more of hidden possibilities too.

To make long story short, let's just say this life-turning adventure, this all-out pursuit of your passion that people talk about, is not for people who are stuck. If you're stuck, get yourself unstuck before you go.

The best time to leave is when you're flying high and doing great.

(The second best time to leave? When you're still learning everyday from whatever nastiness you're facing and be grateful of your daily growth...)

You are not trying to escape; you are not blinded by complacency; you keep learning everyday and be appreciative. And you're going because you see how your calling fit in to our future. Never mind the footprints, never mind the wind. You dig deeper, you look further.

It takes vision, insights, and guts, when you're the king at your turf, served with fine wine and fresh fruit and all the chant and glory, to leave it all behind and go conquer the Himalaya.

That's how your destination becomes our future.

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Professional Layman and Public Intellectuals

Professional Layman used to be a nick/definition I gave myself when first tried blogging a few years back (the blog failed, by the way). One who learns a bit about everything out of curiousity and to deal with life, one who suffers in the mechanic categorization of trades, who has a view on everything as an outsider, a layman, yet the urge to express and share his non-expert views.

Thus spoke the Professional Layman: I specialize in generalization.

What a good story! what a cool self-positioning! Even if it doesn't win you a high-pay job or the mortals' respect for experts, I thought, at least I was being creative & original...

I wasn't (just discovered in this article on Public Intellectuals).

"What do you specialize in?, Daniel Bell was once asked. Generalizations, he replied."

Ha! Somebody already beautifully summed it up long long time ago, you ignorant...

Good try though, a lesson learnt. And some joy to share...

Why tell the world you are not original? Why so happy about it?

Cast aside the vanity & self-branding gimmick of being the uniquely first, you realized something more important...

You are not alone.

also: a bit more about public intellectuals in the article

...New York Intellectuals... Broadly, they viewed the public intellectual as someone deeply committed to the life of the mind and to its impact on the society at large.

...public intellectuals were free-floating and unattached generalists speaking out on every topic that came their way...

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

The Idea Evangelist

The Idea Evangelist believes there is no "right" idea.

Ideas don't really matter, anyway (except for the moments of euphoria when they blow your mind). It's what you Do.

Great & breath-taking ideas crushed and bankrupt young entrepreneurs; stupid and naive ideas made millionaires. It's what you Do.

The Idea Evangelist, however, commits to spread brilliant, mind-blowing ideas & stories to the world. Not that these ideas can change the world...

It's the Possibilities.

There is no right idea, there's no idea that surely works. But there are ideas that open up horizon and possibilities. Ideas that expand your reference frame. You make your judgment, develop your own ideas, enrich your own philosophy, and create a different story.

The Idea Evangelist knows very clear that the ideas he chooses to spend his life spreading don't really matter at all. He never thinks he's really got the answers. Plus in the end, the first and the last key to a meaningful life is what you Do.

Somehow the Idea Evengelist has no intention to quit, even if the demand or need don't seem to be there. Even though he himself realized how small a role he picked. It's important.

Just trust your guts, roll up your sleeves, persist.

When it comes to life mission, or calling, it's what you Do.

Saturday, 25 July 2009

... ...

This post is so very much overdue, we are so far away from mid-june, and there's no excuse for this. Even if the local government blocked this site, even if the monthly traffic is like two and a half clicks...

...there's been ongoing soul searching for this blog...maybe it's also the best time to just dive in and continue working?

After all there are so many brilliant ideas and worthy stories out there, waiting for us to share and spread and develop and act on...