Thursday, 30 July 2009

just "Do What You Love?"

There's much noise out there, appealing to our dreams and fears and boredom and hopes. Yesterday is tumbling, we kind of feel it, and tomorrow is too vague and chaotic we don't even bother to give a damn guess. Today, the only thing we know, we are still stuck in the comfort zone with our dreams squeezed.

There's much noise out there, telling us who feel stuck to go ahead and do what we love. And they offer tips. See, these people made it, why not you? Go do it, here's the way, do what you love, and you can be one of them...all you need is courage and action...

Some of them are right, some not quite.

Do what you love, with all your passion and creativity and bravery and hard work, then you too will make it big. Simple, attractive logic. Too bad our lives, the universe, and the unknown space in between, is much more complex than this...

Fortunately it means there are a hell lot more of hidden possibilities too.

To make long story short, let's just say this life-turning adventure, this all-out pursuit of your passion that people talk about, is not for people who are stuck. If you're stuck, get yourself unstuck before you go.

The best time to leave is when you're flying high and doing great.

(The second best time to leave? When you're still learning everyday from whatever nastiness you're facing and be grateful of your daily growth...)

You are not trying to escape; you are not blinded by complacency; you keep learning everyday and be appreciative. And you're going because you see how your calling fit in to our future. Never mind the footprints, never mind the wind. You dig deeper, you look further.

It takes vision, insights, and guts, when you're the king at your turf, served with fine wine and fresh fruit and all the chant and glory, to leave it all behind and go conquer the Himalaya.

That's how your destination becomes our future.

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