Sunday, 2 August 2009

hang out with the best people...?

There's one saying:

"Put yourself into the most competitive environment, work with the best people, then you will see yourself improve fastest..."

Pretty much truth, I guess, only that you should also bear in mind this: this tip works best for skills, and skills only. Not life.

Many people are so obsessed in the race to the top environment they forgot why they're in the race at all. Or they're made to believe it's the only thing that matters.

They missed so much beautiful things in life.

Try your best to get into the best environment, be relentless if necessary, but always remember why. No matter what you boss or your coach tells you, it's just the trade/skills that you are striving to perfect, not your life. You've got to decide how much price you are willing to pay for it.

If you decide it's worth your life, fine.

However if living a meaningful life happens to matter to you, it can be achieved more easily than most people choose to believe. A bit more mindfulness can go a long way in saving you unnecessary price and sacrifice.

And maybe, less people unnecessarily hurt.

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