Thursday, 13 August 2009

it can be just another wild guess but it's important...

...the end of elite-led mechanism design/social reform or experiment , dawn of the Great Co-Coreation (now every human being is a synergizer of his own experiences in life and a co-creator of the System...the social structure/order is formed not by a large group of experts, not by numerous groups of communities..but everyone in it..)

then what's the role of those experts? what's the role of everyone of us? does the new order reward people whose synergization contributes more to the System? how are we going to distribute the rewards & resources? would there be a new kind of minority? would there be a totally new definition of competitive advantage and radically different definition of rich and poor?

when every unique individual contributes her/his unique tweak to the new System, contributes to the constantly-evolving new world order, how do we (or the System?) decide who gets more of the merit, money, respect..? what'd help us survive & what'd bankrupt us?

i feel scared, with slight excitement, when i'm writing down these questions (i'm afraid they'd slip away from my mind)...this seems like total chaos...yet we know you're more likely to be right when you feel scared...and unpredictable chaos is exactly what we should expect & embrace in this era...

the era of crowds, heading steadily to The Great Co-creation. Welcome.

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