Monday, 20 April 2009

include or exclude, don't be indifferent - (don't believe this title)

At work, what's worse than a day full of emergencies, fire to put off here and there, one thing comes up after another in hectic pace, pushing you to navigate through meetings & negotiations with departments and suppliers and customers...Murphy's Law comes into play (yes everything just goes wrong) while people tactfully shunning alone shoulder all the downside risks...what can be worse?

Having no place in it (or, being an outsider inside a team).

When you end the day exhausted, battered (or even fired)...licking your wound in hard-won victory (or total fiasco) know you tried your best, you know you learnt something. You gave your heart, you tasted (the sweetness and) the pain. you lived.

The outsider didn't. The outsider feels numb & empty. And safe, probably.

You lived. Isn't it something to be proud of, soldier?

[if you think this post is irrelevant to the title, you are right...sometimes things just flow beyond our plan & control...check our the more relevant content in next post...]

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